Chương trình học
Course Number: CMU-SE 450
Course Name: Capstone Project for Software Engineering 1
Number of Credit Hours: 3 Tín Chỉ
Course Description:
This Capstone project focuses on a simulation project. It emphasizes team collaboration and application of modern engineering approaches to software construction/services. The main objective is the development by each team of an original, industry-strength and system-intensive product. The teams report on their project’s progress by giving presentations and submitting deliverables related to the project. The teams deliver and present project parts at the following stages of project development: (1) topic proposal (concept), (2) software/system specification (requirements), (3) design (model), and (4) implemented software/system (in-progress & final product/service). At the beginning of the semester, the teams set up a communication protocol between team and its mentor(s), which will be updated regularly to reflect the projects’ progress and team meetings. At the end of the semester, there is a Senior Projects Defense with project demos, posters, and presentations