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Laboratories & Workshops

Laboratories & Workshops

Besides the natural-science labs being jointly used by the Division of Technology & Sciences (DTS), FIT has 3 major laboratories: one network administration laboratory, one data center and one (network security) war room:

The network administration laboratory is equipped with 4 Cisco routers, 4

Cisco switches, and 2 rack servers. The above equipment is arranged in 4 separate tables for workgroup and teamwork activities.

● The data center is accessible to both faculty members and students with 14 Dell blade servers, 7 Cisco routers, 11 Cisco switches, and 2 EMC storage array. The data center is also equipped with three 500-KVA UPS units besides shared network infrastructure of the whole university.

● The war room is utilized for network security coursework. The room is organized into 4 table rows for the defense and attack teams (2 table rows each). 5 LCD TVs are also equipped for real-time viewing of attack-and-defense data and results. The 2 server racks is stationed in the middle of the room for manipulation of both teams as well as of the laboratory staff members.