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Course Number: PSU-FIN 373
Course Name: Financial Modelling
Number of Credit Hours: 3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): PSU-FIN 301 
Corequisite(s): N/A
Course Description: 
The Course of Financial Modelling provides students with financial management knowledge as well as basic Excel knowledge and skills which are very helpful in financial statement analysis, finance planning and capital budgeting. The first lesson begins with introductory instructions about basic operations on spreadsheets such as inputting text and data, using references to show the relationship between items on the spreadsheet, calculating values, modifying and formatting articles… The following lessons provide students with knowledge and skills in applying the available Excel financial functions such as the time value of money, profit, depreciation, leverage as well as investment’s evaluation items… The course also instructs students how to use Excel tools to forecast, analyze sensitivity, optimize decisions and use Monte Carlo simulation for risk assessment.