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Course Descriptions

Course Number: CSU-ARC 344
Course Name: Architectural Practice 3
Number of Credit Hours: 3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): N/A
Corequisite(s): N/A
Course Description: 
Students will apply their knowledge of physics and learn the forces that effect built works of design. Examples include thermal exchange, moisture migration, expansion and contraction. Students will also understand the measures used to counteract these forces. Examples include insulation, thermal breaks, capillary breaks, vapor barriers and expansion joints. Students will understand the basic physical and aesthetic attributes of materials, both natural and man-made, that comprise the palette of design. The origin and composition of wood, stone, brick and other clay materials, concrete, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, cementititious materials, glass, plastic and composites will be examined along with their aesthetic and technical characteristics.