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Bachelor of Science degree in Management Information System at Duy Tan University focuses on the uses of computers in business. Students will study not only business and information technology but also solutions to business problems by using hardware, operating systems, networking, programming and database management. In addition, students will learn how to use technology as a key business driver to manage information technology resources in organizations. During the learning process, students will also work in groups to participate in community organizations and develop their own project. After completing the degree, graduates can look for jobs or continue their further levels of education.

Applicants for the bachelor's degree program in Management Information System need a high school diploma or equivalent. In this degree program, students should complete the core coursework in business and computer information systems first. After that, they may take electives such as information security and systems development. An internship is required in the program for students to get hands-on experience from working with trained professionals. Full-time students generally finish the program in four years.

This program has been in existence since 2009. The Bachelor’s degree program in Management Information System is recognized by the Ministry of Education & Training of Vietnam. Our graduates are readily recruited and can get the exciting positions in computer and software throughout the area and the nation.



The graduation requirements for the Degree of Bachelor in Management Information System are:

  • Successful completion of a minimum of 142 credit hours for graduation. 

  • Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 (out of 4.0).

  • Minimum Cumulative Major GPA of 2.5 (out of 4.0).

  • Attitude & Discipline Assessment of average rating or above: i.e., Students did not commit serious academic and/or social violations to cause serious disciplinary actions.



Graduates from bachelor's degree program in Management Information System are prepared to utilize their understanding of business concepts and computer technology in a variety of leadership and management positions. Some typical career titles include:

  • Data Analyst

  • Computer Systems Manager

  • Systems Analysts

  • Project Managers

  • Web Developers

  • Software Engineers

  • Technical Consultants