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Career Orientation for DTU International School IT Students

On October 10th, the DTU International School and the Axon Active Vietnam, a Swiss-owned and operated company, held a career orientation and internship day for IT Students. Ms. Vo Thi Lien, Head of the Bern office; Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan, a Marketing Manager; Mr. Pham Quang Phuong, a Trainer; Mr. Nguyen Duc Man, Acting-Dean of the DTU International School and DTU IT Faculty and students attended.  


Axon Active present Scrum Completion Certificates for Agile Software Development to DTU IT students  


Axon Active Vietnam briefly introduced their company, including its development and recruitment plans, the working environment and benefits, and talked about job hunting, teamwork, making presentations, goal-setting and English language requirements. Axon Active also offered opportunities for 2018 internship applications. 


DTU students receive gifts from the Axon Active


Ms. Vo Thi Lien and Pham Quang Phuong presented Scrum Completion Certificates to 51 senior International School IT students. The Scrum training course, conducted by Sebastian Sussmann, Chief Information Officer of Axon, was of great benefit to both IT students and software engineers. 


(Media Center)