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DTU Students Participate in the CDIO Training Course at Singapore Polytechnic

From November 23rd to 29th, two lecturers and six students from the DTU faculties of Environmental Engineering, Pharmacology and the International School took part in the annual CDIO training course at Singapore Polytechnic. The course enabled fifty DTU and Singapore Polytechnic students to meet and exchange CDIO information. 



DTU students visit a laboratory at Singapore Polytechnic


Students visited a laboratory at Singapore Polytechnic and made presentations, performed safety procedures, practiced using a system to pilot an industrial analysis tower, used a hollow fiber membrane filter to purify water, pressed oil seeds to produce biological fuel and practiced using a system to make medicine.


Tran Bao Chau, of the K18KMT class learned a lot from the training course and said: “I have already taken a course in Design Thinking and am now happy to join this year’s CDIO training course. Exchanging information and ideas has improved my awareness and self-confidence and I am now determined to help out in our local community. We have proved that DTU students are able to work internationally and I thank the DTU Board of Provosts and lecturers for this extra education and unique experience.”



DTU students at Singapore Polytechnic


DTU was only the second Vietnamese university to participate in the CDIO Initiative in 2012. The first was the National University in HCMC. DTU has now applied the CDIO education model in Engineering. CDIO was first introduced by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in collaboration with three Swedish universities, the Chalmers University of Technology, Linköping University and the Royal Institute of Technology. Since its inception, the CDIO network has welcomed more than 120 universities and research institutes from Europe, North America, Asia, the UK, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand and Africa, demonstrating its invaluable role and strong reputation in the global education technology revolution. 


Implementing the CDIO model in Engineering has broadened the opportunity for DTU students to experience planning, implementing and enhancing their career prospects, their individual and teamwork skills and become acquainted with the design process and perfecting their ideas. 


Students have especially been able to study extra special programs at Singapore Polytechnic, devised in conjunction with DTU. They have become long-time partners, enabling both lecturers and students to experience new learning and research techniques through Learning Express, the Overseas Industrial Training Program and CDIO Academy Projects. 


(Media Center)